Friday’s AI Prompt

It’s been a long week. Now it’s time to take advantage of the weekend and recharge for next week. I asked ChatGPT for a checklist of things to do this weekend. Here’s how it went…


AI Prompt text reads: 
Today is Friday.  Please provide me with a checklist of things I can do over the weekend to recharge for the upcoming week.

Today is Friday. Please provide me with a checklist of things I can do over the weekend to recharge for the upcoming week.

AI Response

AI Response

Sure, here is a checklist of things you can do over the weekend to recharge for the upcoming week:

  1. Rest and Relaxation
    • Sleep in or take a nap to catch up on rest.
    • Meditate or do some deep breathing exercises.
    • Take a long, relaxing bath or shower.
  2. Physical Activity
    • Go for a walk or run in a nearby park.
    • Do a yoga or workout session.
    • Try a new sport or physical activity.
  3. Social Connection
    • Call or video chat with a friend or family member.
    • Arrange a socially-distanced meet-up with friends, if possible.
    • Write a letter or email to a loved one you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  4. Personal Development
    • Read a book or listen to an audiobook.
    • Watch an educational video or documentary.
    • Learn a new skill or hobby.
  5. Nutrition
    • Cook a healthy meal or try a new recipe.
    • Meal prep for the upcoming week.
    • Hydrate adequately and avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol.
  6. Self-Care
    • Practice a skincare routine or have a spa day at home.
    • Journal your thoughts and feelings.
    • Listen to your favorite music or podcast.
  7. Preparation for the Week Ahead
    • Plan your schedule for the next week.
    • Clean and organize your living and working space.
    • Set your goals for the upcoming week.

Remember, the goal of the weekend is to relax and recharge, so it’s important not to overbook yourself. Pick a few items from the list that you think will help you feel rested and rejuvenated for the upcoming week.


It looks like ChatGPT’s 2021 snapshot is showing. I don’t know how long it’s been since I heard a recommendation for a “Socially Distanced Gathering”. Other than that, some pretty reasonable activities.

Happy Friday everyone!

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